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Who Is Watching the Human Rights Watchers?
(ABC-Australia) Gerald Steinberg - While human rights organizations raise several billions of dollars annually, their agendas are increasingly being questioned. Instead of focusing on horrific violations by dictatorships and terrorist regimes, these groups tend to devote major resources to investigating Western democracies. Accusations of "war crimes" by the U.S., UK, Australia, and Israel, based on reports of accidental civilian deaths from strikes aimed at top terrorists hiding in densely populated areas, are standard fare. The NGO employees who write these reports have no military experience and most often rely on "eyewitness testimonies" that cannot be verified. Moreover, lawyers and judges who do not share the ideological views of these groups reach very different conclusions. The writer, a fellow of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, is Emeritus Professor of Political Studies at Bar-Ilan University in Israel and heads the Institute for NGO Research in Jerusalem.