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Palestinians Escalate Attacks on Israeli Motorists
(Algemeiner) Hila Lehm was driving home to Elazar, south of Jerusalem, around midnight on Thursday when a block weighing nine pounds suddenly "flew towards me, penetrated the windshield and hit my forehead," Ynet reported. "Blood was pouring from my forehead, glass and blood were in my mouth," she said after she was evacuated to a hospital. Tam and Malahi Zamir were attacked at the same spot on Thursday. The rock-thrower "stood at the side of the road, in the dark," recounted Tam. "Suddenly he raised his hand and I understood what was about to happen. The block hit our car, the side window shattered on me and glass flew throughout the car." Malahi told Ynet, "When they say, 'stone throwing,' you think of a small pebble of sorts - but they're blocks. They're blocks that can kill."