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The UN's Final Solution to the Israel Question
(Washington Times) Clifford D. May - After his accession to power in 1933, Hitler began a campaign to demonize and delegitimize Jews, accusing them of imaginary crimes, conveying the message that Jews are a vile and guilty race, deserving of punishment. This laid the groundwork for the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question," the Nazi euphemism for the genocide of European Jews. For decades, the UN has been at the forefront of a campaign to demonize and delegitimize Israel. That campaign is now set to sharply escalate with the approval of a new Commission of Inquiry (COI) - essentially a Grand Inquisition that will target and vilify Israel - under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), a body dominated by such notorious human rights violators as China, Russia, Cuba, Pakistan, Qatar, and Venezuela. The COI will be "dedicated to manufacturing charges and mounting a global chase to arrest and incarcerate Israeli Jews," Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust, wrote in a paper for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. The ostensible inspiration for the COI is the 11-day conflict initiated by Hamas in May 2021, when it launched over 4,000 rockets against Israeli cities - an indisputable crime under international law - and the Israelis defended themselves. The permanent drumbeat of anti-Israeli vilification by the COI is certain to energize the economic campaign against Israel (echoing the 1933 Nazi "Don't buy from the Jews" campaign) and perhaps lead to prosecutions of Israelis by the International Criminal Court, a politicized entity whose authority is recognized by neither Israel nor the U.S. The UN campaign will make settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict impossible for the foreseeable future. Why would any Palestinian leader compromise so long as there is a possibility that what happened to the Jews of Europe could happen to the Jews of Israel with the assent of the "international community"? The writer is president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.