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A New Lebanon Is Being Born
[New York Sun] Youssef Ibrahim - A new Lebanon is being born, to be freed from the savage hordes of Hizballah jihadists, snatched from the jaws of Syria and Iran, and liberated at last from Palestinian Arabs who for 50 years masqueraded as freedom fighters and poisoned everything they touched. We, the long silenced Arab majority, must insist on bringing down the curtain on the barbarians in our midst. The Israeli army is back this time to liberate, not occupy. These troops are laboring hand in hand with Arabs who want to roll back the march of Islamic fundamentalism and its kingdom of darkness. Today's Arab world is a much younger and more prosperous place, one that is eager for modernization and globalization. This Arab world has graduated from juvenile pursuits of Palestinian Arab causes, dreams of Arab nationalism, and hopes for a Muslim super-nation.