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IDF Unveils Hamas Sites to Be Targeted in Future Gaza War
(Jerusalem Post) Anna Ahronheim - The IDF on Wednesday briefed reporters about several future military targets in Gaza built in the heart of urban areas. They include a weapons warehouse next to Shifa Hospital as well as several mosques that will likely be targeted in a future conflict. The military believes that legitimizing its actions even before war would provide it with more freedom of action when conflict breaks out. The sites include a tunnel used to store weapons next to a now-closed Pepsi factory and an UNRWA elementary school used as an emergency shelter during hostilities. Another tunnel used by Hamas in the Zabara neighborhood of Gaza City is under an UNRWA school and a central ambulance center with 14 ambulances. The tunnel also runs under a church and schools that are used as shelters during hostilities. A tunnel entry shaft near Al-Azar University in Gaza City leads to a network of subterranean tunnels close to a police station, UNRWA school, medical clinic, mosque, community center and UNRWA headquarters in the area. Hamas has a munition production facility located in a building that is also used as a residential building. The site, which contains explosives and flammable material that would cause extreme damage should it explode, is 45 meters from a mosque, 55 meters from an UNRWA clinic, and 60 meters from Shifa Hospital.