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Islam Is the Fastest-Shrinking Religion in Iran
(Providence) Shay Khatiri - In Iran, young men and women are posting videos of themselves flipping the turbans off clerics' heads. Islam is the fastest-shrinking religion in the country. People are calling themselves Zoroastrian, not because they believe in it but to embrace the one Persian religion. It's less an expression of religiosity as much as an embrace of national heritage. According to the only public opinion survey available, nones - atheists, agnostics, spiritual, and irreligious - now form a plurality at 44%. Shi'ites, once the predominant majority, stand at 32%. Mosques are the emptiest since modern Iran embraced political Islam. Two in three Iranians reject religion as a basis for law in any form. The writer, who was involved with the Green Movement in Iran in 2009, is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America.