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The Future of U.S. Assistance to Egypt
[Washington Institute for Near East Policy] J. Scott Carpenter - The Mubarak regime's resolute failure to live up to its human rights obligations will give ammunition to members of the next Congress eager to send a strong message to Cairo. As a result, future U.S. administrations will find it difficult to justify economic assistance to Egypt, let alone to increase it. The White House, instead, will have to fight off multiple efforts to condition Egypt's military assistance. Egypt could change all this. If a new leadership were to present a clear vision for the country's future - one that Americans could understand and support - Egypt would find willing supporters in both branches of the U.S. government. Unfortunately for Egyptians and bilateral relations, such leadership is not on the horizon. Conditioning military aid may, therefore, be the only avenue open to vent U.S. displeasure. The writer is Keston Family fellow at The Washington Institute.