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The Golden Days Return for Iran
(Washington Examiner) Gabriel Noronha - Syrian media reported on July 13 that Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had increased salaries for its militia fighters in Syria by 13%. The budgets for the regime's other terror arms have also increased by double digits this year. As the U.S. has suspended enforcement of most Iran sanctions in a bid to have them rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal, Iran's foreign currency reserves have skyrocketed from their $4 billion low in 2020 to $43 billion in 2023, enabling them to increase funding for their efforts to destabilize the region. Even without formal sanctions relief, Iran is able to enjoy most of the economic benefits it would have received in that deal without giving up or even pausing its nuclear enrichment activities. The writer, former Special Advisor for Iran at the State Department, is a Fellow at the Jewish Institute for National Security of America.