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In List of Arab Grievances, Hating Israel Is Way Down
(The Dispatch) Reuel Marc Gerecht - The "Arab Spring" that began in Tunisia in 2010 accelerated the withering of the Palestinian cause. Hating Israel and Western imperialism is now way down the list of regional grievances. The Arab intelligentsia, which sustained and drove anti-Zionism since the 1920s, effectively no longer exists. Anti-Zionism is probably a much more passionate subject on Western campuses than it is in Arab universities - outside of Gaza, the West Bank, and Jordan. Lost causes, which is now what the quest for a Palestinian state most likely is, can have astonishing resonance. But geography is destiny: Jerusalem simply can't afford to allow militant Palestinians the capacity to launch drones and short-range missiles into Israel. Palestinian leadership has either egged on, co-opted, or been incapable of stopping radicals. The writer, a former Iranian targets officer in the CIA, is a resident scholar at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.