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Arab-Israeli Reservists Are Fighting Fake News in Arabic
(Ynet News) Roy Rubinstein - During the current war against Hamas, Arab-Israelis who served in the Israel Defense Forces in a variety of roles have been recruited to the reserves to assist in the effort to inform the Arab world of the Israeli point of view. Yahya Mahamid, 26, from Umm al-Fahm, who served in the Nahal unit, serves in the reserves as an IDF spokesman. "I prefer to serve where I am most useful. If they had told me that I was more useful at the front, I would have gone there," he says. Mahamid understands the difficulty he faces in explaining the Israeli side to the Arab world. "We are an iron dome in the cyberworld," he said. Muhammad Kabiya, from a village in the Jezreel Valley, became a network star recently after he was interviewed by the BBC in Arabic and stated that the terrorist attack by Hamas on Oct. 7 is against Islam. "This is not the first time I have been interviewed by the BBC, and I always assume that it will not be easy and that the interviewer will not be pro-Israel," he said. "But against all his questions I use my weapon - the facts. With them we always win because the truth is on our side." "I also receive support from Israeli Arabs - of course there are a few who attack, but the majority are in favor. This is happening because what Hamas did that Saturday was shocking, and shocked the whole world. Forget that they also murdered Arabs there, this goes against everything in Islam and every basic human standard."