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Hamas, Not Israel, Is Perpetrating "Collective Punishment" in Gaza
(Telegraph-UK) Amb. Daniel Taub - The allegation that Israel's actions to defend itself from murderous attacks constitute collective punishment of the people of Gaza is wrong in law and dangerous in practice. Israel seeks to prevent the Oct. 7 massacre from ever happening again. Israel isn't losing soldiers every day in Gaza to punish the people there, but to hunt down Hamas terrorists. Weighing the likelihood of civilian harm against the imperative of defeating a terrorist machine is an agonizing process that Israel grapples with every day, both internally and in discussions with its closest allies. There is indeed collective punishment of the people of Gaza, but it is perpetrated by Hamas. Laying the blame for Hamas' abuse of civilians at Israel's door only rewards its inhuman tactics and ensures that they will be copycatted by terrorist groups in other places. Genuine humanitarian concern must look this reality in the face and place the blame for the suffering of Gaza squarely where it belongs. The writer served as Israeli Ambassador to the UK (2011-2015).