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Why a Ceasefire in Israel Would Backfire
(The Hill) Kenneth M. Pollack - All of the well-meaning calls for the U.S. to pursue an immediate ceasefire in the fighting between Israel and Hamas are dangerously misguided. A ceasefire now would only lead to more war and more killing in the future. Ending the war now would lock in the gains of Hamas and Iran, handing a great victory to America's worst enemies in the Middle East. When you reward an aggressor and prevent the attacked from fighting back, you simply encourage that aggressor to attack again, and encourage other would-be aggressors to do the same. The only outcome that will make peace possible is if Hamas is broken and driven from Gaza by Israel's military response so that it is incapable of repeating this attack and deprived of control of the Palestinian people. Peace requires the military defeat of the opponents of peace - Hamas and Iran - and not arbitrarily cutting short this war before it has achieved that crucial destination. The writer is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.