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Experts Warn Hamas in Holy War Against Western Civilization
(Israel21c) Abigail Klein Leichman - "The Israel-Hamas war is about defending the 'free world' and standing up for civilization and decency against barbarism and monstrous depravity," says Prof. Jonathan Rynhold, a senior research fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University. "Israel must win or else jihadis will be emboldened to use similar methods against other members of the free world." Lt.-Col. (res.) Shay Har-Zvi, senior fellow in the Institute for Policy and Strategy at Reichman University, says, "If we succeed to eliminate Hamas, we could revive normalization negotiations with Saudi Arabia. If we don't succeed, Hamas will try to take over Judea and Samaria, and that will endanger stability in Jordan and beyond." The moderate Arab countries "are under pressure from the public to support Hamas and criticize Israel but they understand we must win this war."