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What the U.S. Doesn't Get about Palestinian Hatred toward Jews
(Israel Hayom) Nadav Shragai - Most Israelis have a deep understanding - shaped by decades of terror, attacks, and bloodshed - that the hostility, hatred, and commitment to perpetuate the struggle against the Jews and Israel comes from the grassroots level, from the Palestinian public en masse. The Palestinian leadership is a reflection of Palestinian society, which rejects our very existence here. Hundreds of surveys and thousands of statements over many decades attest to this. There are large swaths in Palestinian society who cling to the most extreme interpretation of Islam, and find there an obligation, justification, and permission to murder Jews for being Jews and "infidels." According to Dr. Khalil Shikaki's latest survey, 82% of Palestinians in the West Bank support the Oct. 7 massacre, and most of them, despite everything they know today, still support Hamas. The doctrine that prevails in the Palestinian education system, from kindergarten to universities, of a world without Israel, a doctrine that sanctifies "martyrs" and glorifies terror, is a reflection of what the Palestinian household espouses today. Palestinians absorb hatred, distortion, lies, and incitement with their mother's milk. Therefore, changes in leadership in the Palestinian Authority are irrelevant if, with every slaughter and killing and shooting in our streets, Palestinians dance and celebrate on the roofs and hand out sweets. The Palestinian public cannot be replaced, nor do we aim to do so. It is what it is. This is what we have to deal with.