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The Challenges of Providing Aid to Gaza
(Telegraph-UK) Con Coughlin - One of the key contributing factors to the suffering of Palestinians caught up in the Gaza conflict are the numerous difficulties aid convoys are experiencing in their efforts to provide adequate humanitarian relief. Whether it is the rigorous checks being applied by the IDF, who are rightly concerned about weaponry and other supplies being diverted to Hamas, or desperate Palestinians looting the convoys the moment they enter Gaza, ensuring an orderly and even distribution of food and medicine to those in need is proving to be enormously challenging. The Israeli government insists that more than 14,000 trucks of aid have entered Gaza in the five months since the conflict started, more than sufficient to keep endemic hunger at bay. Claims that Palestinians are dying of starvation are bitterly rejected by Israel. Much of the data being provided by humanitarian groups to support the contention Gaza faces widespread famine is being provided by Hamas itself, whose primary goal is to discredit both Israel and its allies.