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May 5, 2024       Share:    


Are Hamas Terrorists Modern-Day Nazis?

(Israel Hayom) Nadav Shragai - While esteemed Holocaust scholars advise against drawing comparisons between the atrocities committed by Hamas and the Holocaust, evidence has emerged to support such parallels. Precise instructions for constructing a cyanide gas dispersal device were found on eliminated Hamas terrorists - the same gas used in Nazi gas chambers. The terrorists took the amphetamine-like drug captagon, which was given to Nazi soldiers in World War II and to senior Reich officials, for stimulation. Copies of virulently antisemitic texts authored by Hamas leaders were discovered in Gaza, such as The End of the Jews, as well as Hitler's Mein Kampf. Recently, a video surfaced on social media of a Palestinian at the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp, praising martyrdom and expressing the goal of returning Jews to confinement in death camps. While the scale of the Holocaust remains unique, the principles and motivations guiding Hamas bear striking similarities to Nazi ideology and animosities.

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