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The Campus Protests Are Not "Antiwar" or "Pro-Palestinian." They Are "Anti-Israel"
(Washington Post) Ramesh Ponnuru - The Associated Press says the campus demonstrators are "antiwar protesters." The New York Times has gone with "pro-Palestinian." These aren't neutral, or accurate, descriptions. A leading group backing the demonstrations, Students for Justice in Palestine, exulted in the terrorist attack "against the Zionist enemy" on Oct. 7. Terrorist-group regalia has been spotted at protests at Yale, Princeton, and Stanford. Incidents too numerous to count have led the Anti-Defamation League to labeled the Columbia demonstrators "pro-Hamas activists." Peace is not the organizing principle of the protests. The protesters at Columbia have listed several official demands. They don't include that Hamas release all its hostages. The protests are not even bringing attention to the plight of Gazans. They're bringing attention to the protesters. The media should call the protests what they are: anti-Israel. The writer is the editor of National Review and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.