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May 12, 2024       Share:    


Israelis Respond to Biden's Threat to Withhold Arms to Defeat Hamas in Rafah

(Fox News) Benjamin Weinthal - President Biden's critics argue he is now backpedaling from his ironclad commitment to the Jewish state by delaying deliveries of vital precision weapons to Jerusalem. Israeli academic Richard Landes said, "Intentionally or not, the U.S. is pursuing a course dictated by Hamas. This is a massive cognitive war victory for Hamas, and it could not have happened without the media's compliance with the Palestinian media protocols' demand that they manipulate Western compassion's addiction to Palestinian suffering." Dan Diker, president of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, said, "The Biden administration is punishing Israel by publicly threatening to cut off arms and ammunition, vital to Israel's self-defense against this Iranian regime-backed jihadi Hamas-Palestinian axis of terror. [This] is actually undermining the United States' vital interests in the region." He said the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas are "competing to assault the United States" via their "support for campus extremism and radicalism."

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