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May 21, 2024       Share:    


Masked Anti-Israel Protesters Are Hiding the Shame of Their Prejudice

(New York Post) Douglas Murray - How do we explain all the young protestors who seem so unnaturally scared of Covid that they wear masks? How to explain all those rage-filled keffiyeh-wearing students who just happen to mask up whenever a camera is around? By last month, the total of Covid deaths in New York state was down to 15 a week. What's more, young people are at the lowest risk of dying from Covid. So rejoice, brave protestors. The masks can come off. But why is it that in 2024, today's brave protestors in New York are nearly always wearing a mask? Why should students making their demands for ceasefires in the Middle East have to holler their demands through a piece of cloth? The reason is that they are bullies. And like all bullies, they are at the same time terrible cowards. Despite pretending that they are world-beating revolutionaries, the protestors are trying to keep their identities hidden. Perhaps these people want to cover their faces because the media in this country might just notice that the same professional revolutionaries tend to turn up wherever there is trouble, almost as if they are paid to do so. Or just maybe, what they are afraid of are the opinions they are espousing. Because they know, at some level, that bullying other students and shrieking about things they don't know about is not a good look. The KKK was the last organization in America that was so proud of their beliefs that their members covered their faces during protests. Now "Students for Jihad" are doing the same job.

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