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May 28, 2024       Share:    


The Flawed Notion of a "Renewed Palestinian Authority"

(Israel Hayom) Nadav Shragai - The U.S. is failing in its attempt to transform the Palestinian Authority and establish what American envoys call a "renewed Palestinian Authority," as a prelude to what will eventually become a Palestinian state. However, what suits the U.S. does not necessarily suit Israel. A Palestinian state, particularly now, is a security threat to Israel. It also directly rewards the murderers and perpetrators of the Oct. 7 massacre and could embolden Palestinians in the West Bank to replicate such an event against Israel's population centers. Yet, it is gradually becoming apparent to the Biden administration as well, though it does not admit it, that there is no truly "renewed" Palestinian Authority. This is evident from the high number of incidents in which PA officers and security personnel are involved in terrorist activities or firing on Israel Defense Forces operating against terrorism. Since 2021, more than 120 members of the Palestinian security forces have been killed while attempting to carry out attacks. In 2023-2024, over 150 attacks and attempted attacks can be attributed to Palestinian police officers and members of the PA security apparatus. In counterterrorism and arrest operations, not only Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives are being neutralized or arrested, but also hundreds of Fatah members. More and more joint terrorist networks of rival groups such as Fatah, Hamas, PIJ, and the PFLP are being exposed.

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