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May 30, 2024       Share:    


More Nations Roll Out the Red Carpet to Hamas

(Newsweek) Aviva Klompas - Welcome to the State of Denial - an alternative reality where terrorists have become heroes valiantly battling oppressors, genocidal slogans are triumphant calls for freedom, and the natural response to a terror group that slaughtered 1,200 people and took another 250 hostages is to offer them a state. Earlier this month, a majority of UN members passed a resolution granting new "rights and privileges" to the Palestinians, while more than 100 hostages are still languishing in Hamas's torture tunnels. This sends a clear message that there is no need for Hamas to negotiate the release of the hostages. Spain, Norway, and Ireland then announced plans to formally recognize a Palestinian state, even though Spain and Ireland had seen their citizens murdered or kidnapped by Hamas. The European nations rallying to proclaim a State of Palestine don't worry themselves about the peaceful character, stability, viability, or democratic aspirations of a new state. They aren't concerned that a future State of Palestine would become yet another forward-operating base for Iran. There are two contenders to lead a newly founded State of Palestine. There's Hamas, an internationally designated terror organization that pledges to destroy Israel and hunt down every Jew. Or there's the Palestinian Authority, which 87% of Palestinians believe is corrupt and which hasn't held an election in the West Bank in nearly 20 years. If they were to hold an election, Hamas would probably win. The writer is former Director of Speechwriting for Israel's Permanent Mission to the UN in New York.

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