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June 6, 2024       Share:    


A Provisional Civil Administration in Gaza Is an Ethical Imperative

(Ynet News) Brig.-Gen. (ret.) Amir Avivi - Following the toppling of the Hamas regime, setting up a provisional civil administration in Gaza is a legal and ethical imperative to prevent anarchy, as was done by the Allies in Germany and Japan in 1945. A civil administration is needed to provide basic humanitarian solutions for the people of Gaza, with assistance from local actors and international organizations. This will allow the local population to disengage from Hamas and enable a new reality. Education in Gaza blatantly incites its public to annihilate Israel and has got to undergo fundamental changes. If Israel does not assume responsibility for education, it will perpetuate the same cesspool that has produced such a catastrophic crop of terrorists. It is advisable to be assisted by external bodies such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which understand the culture and language and have already carried out similar processes themselves. The desirable course is for civil management to be assigned fully to local leaders, who will be selected from among the large clan leaders. As opposed to Hamas, the clans seek stability, they have an interest in developing the region, and they have legitimacy from the local populations.

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