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June 6, 2024       Share:    


This Jerusalem Day, Choose History over Propaganda

(Times of Israel) Nathan J. Diament - On Wednesday, Jews celebrated Jerusalem Day, marking the day in 1967 during the Six-Day War when Jerusalem was reunified for the first time since the destruction of the Second Temple, nearly 19 centuries prior. Before the Six-Day War, Israel was an even smaller country surrounded by neighbors who wanted to wipe it off the map. When Jerusalem was finally unified, Jews were allowed to visit their most holy place - the Temple Mount - a privilege denied to them under Jordanian rule. Under Israeli sovereignty, the Old City of Jerusalem became open to Jews, Christians, and Muslims to worship freely. Jerusalem Day marks a modern-day miracle. It is the story of Jewish perseverance against much larger armies. If young college students want to learn the truth about the history of conflict in the Middle East, they should visit the Israeli capital in all of its ancient and modern splendor. They may be shocked by what they learn. The writer is Executive Director for Public Policy at the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America.

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