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June 16, 2024       Share:    


U.S. Needs to Fully Back Israel's Response to Hizbullah

(Jerusalem Post) Amb. Michael Oren interviewed by Hannah Sarisohn - Former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren said in an interview on Wednesday: "The United States believes in a country called Lebanon with an army. We believe there's a country called Hizbullah." Oren said the U.S. needs to give Israel full backing to "do what it needs to do" to neutralize the Hizbullah threat. The administration is pressing Israel not to respond to Hizbullah in a more robust fashion. "But the situation is simply intolerable," Oren said. "What's happening is that Hizbullah is realizing Israel's worst nightmare which is a war of creeping attrition, where every day the rocket fires are advancing southward, but Hizbullah is not giving us a clear trigger that we can respond to....We cannot play by Hizbullah's rules here, we have to break out of this. It would be extremely important if we had America's backing."

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