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June 18, 2024       Share:    


IDF Continues to Advance in Rafah

(Ynet News) Elisha Ben Kimon - The IDF has been fighting in the southern Gaza city of Rafah for 40 days, advancing slowly amid many booby-trapped houses, concealed passageways, and surveillance cameras. The IDF estimates it has 70% control of the area. So far, at least 550 terrorists have been eliminated and rocket fire from Rafah toward Israel has significantly decreased. More than 200 tunnel shafts and 35 tunnels, some extending into Egypt, have been discovered. During subterranean combat in the NPK neighborhood, a Hamas stronghold, forces killed dozens of terrorists and discovered explosive devices. The fighting is progressing in planned phases, executed by the IDF according to a detailed strategy. Commanders reject claims that the IDF is bogged down in Rafah, asserting they have all the necessary resources to defeat Hamas battalions in the city, which will take a few more weeks.

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