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June 25, 2024       Share:    


Israel Is Not Very Good at Apartheid or Genocide

(Los Angeles Jewish Journal) David Suissa - You can really feel the dishonesty of the apartheid lie when you see Muslims in religious garb strolling leisurely through Jerusalem, including shopping at the Mamilla Mall. You won't see any fear on their faces of being among Jews. At the King David Hotel, an Arab maitre'd recognized me from many years ago. He's been working there for 47 years. Ask him about apartheid. As for the lie of genocide, between 1950 and 2024, the Arab population of both Israel and the Palestinian territories has grown from 944,807 to 5,494,964. In Gaza, the population has grown from 265,800 in 1960 to 2.1 million in 2023. Some genocide.

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