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June 27, 2024       Share:    


If You Hate the Jews, You also Hate America

(Los Angeles Jewish Journal) Mark Schiff - There was a real estate exhibit to buy an apartment or house in Israel at the Orthodox Adas Torah Synagogue on Sunday in the heart of Pico Robertson, my Jewish neighborhood. This event made the antisemites very distraught. So hundreds showed up, many with their faces covered. They were jumping, howling, hooting and wishing that Jews would die. Standing in the middle of the protesters, I noticed that God always seems to give insane people the loudest voices. I was seeing people who, if they ever get their way, want to put an end to all Jews and civilization as we know it. If it weren't for the police presence, there would have been dead Jews and others all over Pico Blvd. Many of the antisemites weren't fighting for Islam and the Koran; their fight was with Jews and with America. If you hate the Jews, you also hate America.

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