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June 27, 2024       Share:    


Dershowitz: Showing Weakness Is a Cause of Antisemitism

(Ynet News) Prof. Alan Dershowitz told Ynet in an interview Wednesday: "Never before have the Jewish people and the nation-state of the Jewish people been subject to so much antisemitism and it grows not out of the strength of Israel but out of its weakness. The antisemitism began on Oct. 7 when Israel showed weakness....Showing weakness is a cause of antisemitism....The only way the Jewish people will ever get peace is through strength." Q: We see Iran getting close to a nuclear bomb. Dershowitz: "Israel has to act on its own. Israel has to understand that it can never again count on the unequivocal support of the United States. It can count on some support from the United States, but Israel has to make its own decisions....Israel is alone in the world in many aspects and it has to act unilaterally in many instances. It cannot allow Iran to develop a nuclear arsenal and [must] do whatever it takes."

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