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June 27, 2024       Share:    


Real Progressives Reject Antisemitism

(Daily Beast) Amanda Berman - The defeat of Rep. Jamaal Bowman in New York sends a clear message to current and aspiring progressive politicians throughout the country: that antisemitism is not only bad morals, it's also bad politics. Our movement to advance social, racial, economic, gender, and environmental justice in America will fail if we do not work to eradicate the malignant antisemitism metastasizing within it. It has been shocking to see that some who recklessly claim the mantle of progressivism are the most unapologetic in their indifference - or sometimes, malevolence - toward Jewish suffering, trauma, and victimization. Progressive voters across the country are rightly concerned by the wing of our movement denying sexual violence, blindly embracing "resistance" and "decolonization" narratives that endorse terrorism, mocking and blocking Jewish students on college campuses, and violently protesting outside of synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses. The echoes of history are too stark to ignore. Antisemitic elements within our progressive movement make our fights for justice exponentially more difficult. That's why, this primary season, truly progressive voters are making their voices heard and reclaiming what it means to be truly and consistently progressive. Sincere progressives are saying "Not In Our Name" to the normalization of antisemitism - just as we do for all other marginalized groups against all other forms of hate. Real progressives condemn violence against Jews, whether done as criticism of Israeli policy or for any other reason. Real progressives fight violence, sexual assault, murder, kidnapping, and all forms of hate. True progressives are engaged in mobilizing to reclaim the progressive movement from the radical elements of division. The writer, a civil rights attorney, is founder and executive director of the Zioness Movement to empower and activate Zionists on the progressive left.

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