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June 30, 2024       Share:    


IDF Returns to Fight Hamas in Gaza City

(New York Times) Hiba Yazbek - On Thursday, Israel ordered people in Shajaiye, part of eastern Gaza City, to evacuate as Palestinians reported heavy strikes on the area. Israel's public broadcaster reported that the military was conducting a ground operation to root out Hamas based on intelligence that the armed group had begun to resume control of the neighborhood. Mohammed Qraiqea, a researcher with a human rights advocacy group, who was in Shajaiye, described artillery shelling, airstrikes and drone fire. He had seen Israeli tanks on the eastern edge of Gaza City. "The tanks have advanced in a limited manner, so far, on the outskirts of the neighborhood," he said Thursday. By afternoon, he said, most people had evacuated. Shajaiye was home to one of Hamas's strongest battalions. It is unclear how big a presence Hamas now has there.

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