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June 30, 2024       Share:    


U.S. to Support Israel in Defense but Not Offense

(JNS) Yaakov Lappin - On June 24, the Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Charles Q. Brown, cautioned that in any full-scale war between Israel and Hizbullah, it would be "harder for us to be able to support them [Israel] in the same way we did back in April," referring to Iran's April 14 missile and drone attack on Israel. On June 25, two U.S. officials told Politico that Hizbullah should not expect the U.S. to rein Israel in should a war break out and needs to understand that Washington will help Israel defend itself. Brig.-Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, a research fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, referring to Iran's April attack, explained, "The United States can't provide that level of assistance against a potential Hizbullah assault due to the proximity and scale differences [of Hizbullah's rocket arsenal]." He noted that the U.S. has historically focused on defensive assistance. "The policy of aiding Israel in defense only is not new; the Americans are always ready to help Israel in defense," Kuperwasser stated. He highlighted the U.S.'s consistent support in joint exercises and defensive measures. Kuperwasser also stressed the importance of intelligence sharing and the continued flow of ammunition and supplies from the U.S. At the same time, the U.S. has largely steered clear of offensive operations in the region. For instance, "They did not take it upon themselves to handle the Iraqi nuclear reactor, nor the Syrian nuclear reactor....I would not trivialize the assistance in defense. It's important, but of course this leaves Israel the offensive dimension." Hussain Abdul-Hussain, a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, noted the U.S.'s fluctuating stance on Iran and its implications for regional alliances. "If Iran becomes nuclear, like everyone in the region expects it will because Biden is not stopping it, then it's better for these Sunni states to be on the good side of the bully and its militias. Sunni states are behaving like America does not exist. They cannot afford to bet on a power that doesn't show up when the shooting starts." The writer is an analyst at the Miryam Institute and a research associate at the Alma Research and Education Center.

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