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July 2, 2024       Share:    


Why Does the Media Ignore Hamas's Crimes Against Palestinians?

(Newsweek) Hamza Howidy - Since the start of the current war between Israel and Hamas, Hamas has committed countless atrocities against its own people in Gaza. Yet, somehow, these crimes are never reported by Arabic media or Western media, nor by global human rights organizations. The sad truth is, when Israelis aren't involved, no one is interested in advocating for the Palestinian rights they claim to care about so deeply. Many Gazans have raised concerns about the brutality of the Hamas regime, which they have witnessed first-hand. In 2019 and in 2023, the people of Gaza held peaceful marches against Hamas; for this crime, we were brutally assaulted by Hamas militants. Hamas imprisoned over 1,300 protestors at each protest. I was one of them. I was imprisoned by Hamas and tortured twice, because I participated in these protests. Since Oct. 7, hundreds of Gazans have been killed by Hamas's failing rockets. Hamas has confiscated the food, fuel, and medicine sent to Gaza. Ahmad Breka, 13, was shot in the head by Hamas in Rafah while attempting to collect humanitarian aid. Others were merely shot in the legs by Hamas while attempting to grab humanitarian goods that Hamas stole. The writer is a Palestinian from Gaza City.

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