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July 4, 2024       Share:    


Egyptian Government Press: Hamas Operatives in Gaza Are Heroes Who Don't Fear Death; Israel's Demise Is Certain

(MEMRI) Articles published in the Egyptian government press in the last few weeks praise Hamas's conduct in the Gaza war and predict the demise of Israel and of the U.S. as a world power. Titled "The End of Israel," "Israel Has No Future," "Israel Self-Destructs," "A World Without America," and more, the articles describe Hamas's fighters as "brave" and as "heroes" who are unafraid of death, and as "wise" men who created "the most important and influential juncture in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict." Meanwhile, IDF soldiers are described as helpless cowards who are "weaker than a spider's web." They describe Israel as a constant threat to the Arabs that must perish if the Arabs are to survive, and predict that its end is indeed near. They also claim that the war in Gaza has brought an end to America's global hegemony.

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