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July 4, 2024       Share:    


Hizbullah and the Weakness of the West

(JNS) Dr. Fiamma Nirenstein - From the moment of the Oct. 7 massacre, Hizbullah has been attacking a Western ally - Israel. As a result, residents of Israel's north have had to be evacuated. But the West chose to cower in the face of Hizbullah's violence. After the 2006 war between Israel and Hizbullah, UN Security Council Resolution 1701 demanded that Hizbullah withdraw from the Israeli border area to the Litani River, its presence to be replaced by the Lebanese army and the peacekeeping force UNIFIL. Hizbullah ignored the resolution and the world did nothing as it built dense networks of tunnels and placed missile launchers in numerous civilian areas. Israel cannot continue to tolerate the current situation. There are tens of thousands of evacuees. Cities like Kiryat Shmona have been abandoned. Kibbutzim and numerous villages stand empty. So do houses, schools, offices, research centers and medical clinics. Local agriculture is in ruins. Israel is in existential danger from a monster far worse than Hamas. It is a battle of life and death, us or them. The writer, a fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, served as vice president of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the Italian Chamber of Deputies.

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