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July 4, 2024       Share:    


Why Isn't the World Blasting Hizbullah for Its Unprovoked War Against Israel?

(Jerusalem Post) Herb Keinon - More than 60,000 Israelis were forced to flee their homes in northern Israel due to Hizbullah attacks. According to a Yediot Ahronot report on Tuesday, 1,023 homes, public buildings and infrastructure facilities have been hit by rockets, drones and missiles from Lebanon. The hardest hit communities are Kiryat Shmona (147 incidents), Menara (130), Metulla (121), Shlomi (115) and Arab al-Aramshe (88). More than 130 communities have been affected. Why isn't the world blasting Hizbullah for this unprovoked act of war? Why does the world accept as normal a situation where an attack of one UN country is taking place continuously from another? Why isn't this an issue in the world's media? Why isn't the international community slapping economic sanctions on Hizbullah and its supporters - first and foremost Iran - to discourage attacks? Beyond urging Israel to refrain from launching a full-scale military action against Hizbullah, the Biden administration does not seem to have any other plans or strategies to help Israel deal with the issue and regain its sovereignty in the northern part of its own country. The slow-walking of weapons shipments to Israel - weapons that will be needed if a major operation is to take place in Lebanon - only hampers Israel if it takes the decision to restore its lost sovereignty through military means.

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