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July 7, 2024       Share:    


Tracking Iran's Weapons Route into the West Bank

(Jerusalem Post) Jonathan Spyer - As part of Iran's strategic objective to surround Israel with active fronts supported by Islamist client militias, the regime is seeking to add an eastern component through Jordan to the West Bank. Tehran has succeeded in establishing an arms route to bring military materiel from Iran into Lebanon, and then into Syria, Jordan, and the West Bank. It is intended, over time, to flood the West Bank with weaponry. The weaponry now trafficked includes C4, TNT, anti-tank mines, RPG launchers, and anti-armor and anti-personnel missiles. Once in the West Bank, the weaponry and materiel are made available to any armed group willing to carry out attacks on Israel. Veteran Israeli Middle East analyst Ehud Ya'ari says there are currently 1,000 members of such armed groups. He notes that Iran's IRGC Quds Force has established a joint "operations room" for managing this process with Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

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