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July 7, 2024       Share:    


Oct. 7 Was Part II of 9/11

(Los Angeles Jewish Journal) Anna Mahjar-Barducci - Israel is the heart of the West's Judeo-Christian roots and values. The battle in Gaza is not just between Israel and Hamas, as what is at stake is not only the existence of Israel but of the whole collective West, of which Israel is a part. Hamas is not fighting merely to create a Palestinian state because, as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, it does not recognize the idea of the nation-state and regards Islam as the homeland. It is part of the Brotherhood's jihad to establish a global Islamic caliphate. On Oct. 7, Hamas launched a long-prepared attack against Israel with the goal of defeating the strongest component of the weakening West. The Islamists want to see permanent ferment and revolt until ultimate victory is achieved. If Israel falters, the whole liberal collective "West" will be deeply wounded. Yet the collective West still does not understand what is at stake. The writer is a MEMRI Senior Research Fellow.

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