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Hamas Mocks Israel over Non-Response; Egypt: Time to Teach Hamas a Lesson
[Jerusalem Post] Khaled Abu Toameh - Hamas on Wednesday mocked what it described as the "state of confusion" in Israel over how to react to the latest spree of rocket and mortar attacks. The armed wing of Hamas, Izzadin Kassam, issued a leaflet boasting that it had fired dozens of rockets and mortars at Israeli towns in the past few days, pointing out that Israel was "hopeless and desperate" because it doesn't know what to do to stop the attacks. Meanwhile, the London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper quoted Egyptian Intelligence Chief Gen. Omar Suleiman as saying that Egypt was not opposed to a limited Israeli operation in Gaza. According to the report, Suleiman said, "The Hamas leaders have become very arrogant....It's time to teach these leaders a lesson so that they would wake up from their dreams."