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July 11, 2024       Share:    


The Philadelphi Corridor: A Job Only Israel Can Do

(Israel Hayom) Nadav Shragai - For nearly 20 years, Hamas has smuggled enormous quantities of weapons and building materials through and under the Philadelphi Corridor. Anyone who still believes the Egyptians were unaware of this is deluding themselves. The Egyptians not only knew, but for years they were complicit - knowingly ignoring the situation, turning a blind eye, and even actively facilitating it. Egyptian officials and officers pocketed bribes that allowed the weapons highway to continue. Proposing to involve them now in any arrangement concerning the Philadelphi Corridor and trusting them is self-deception. Israel must, therefore, remain in Philadelphi. Neither Egypt, nor other foreign forces, nor cameras will do the job for us there as needed. EU monitoring forces failed at the Rafah crossing and fled from there in 2007. Cameras didn't prevent the fall of the Rafah crossing into Hamas's hands. They simply documented the failure.

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