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July 11, 2024       Share:    


Gazan Parents Have Been Programmed to Accept Death as a Blessing

(Jerusalem Post) Cookie Schwaeber-Issan - Thousands of Gazan youth have been recruited to be trained by Hamas to shoot at the IDF, to replace the thousands of fighters who have been killed. These kids are expendable props to Hamas, serving public relations' purposes when photos show youth losing their lives on the battlefield as they're pitted against Israel's military might. All of this is predictable, given what we know about the Hamas death cult, driven by the intense hatred that they are indoctrinated with from birth. There remains no reasonable explanation as to how mothers of Gazan youth willingly send their sons out to die, often with great pride, claiming that "it is a mother's most glorious duty for their children to kill themselves for Palestine." The Gazan mothers and fathers are fully complicit in sending out their children to die for a cause which is rooted in hatred, terror and evil. When you listen to an interview, where the wife of a Hamas operative says that she and her husband, as well as their children, all pray that Allah would grant them martyrdom, it makes you wonder. They have literally been programmed to accept death as a blessing. This human tragedy rivals the biblical account of parents who offered up their children to the Canaanite god Molech, a truly homicidal act.

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