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July 11, 2024       Share:    


The Portrayal of Jews and Israel in Muslim and Arab Textbooks

(Institute for National Security Studies-Tel Aviv University) Yonatan Negev and Eldad Pardo - In Muslim and Arab textbooks across the Middle East, Israel is mainly depicted negatively, portrayed as the bane of the Palestinians' existence. With few exceptions, the textbooks ignore the Holocaust and the history of Jews native to the region. The more a country deviates from promoting a religiously moderate, inclusive vision that is sensitive to international norms of peace and tolerance, the greater the presence of the delegitimizing rhetoric against Jews and Israel in its textbooks. Dr. Yonatan Negev is a research associate at the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se), where Dr. Eldad J. Pardo is research director.

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