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July 16, 2024       Share:    


Houthi Officer: A Year from Now We'll Have Missiles that Can Threaten Europe and America

(MEMRI) On July 13, 2024, the Al-Jazeera website published an interview with Aziz Rashed, a brigadier-general in the Defense Ministry of Ansar Allah, as the Houthi movement is officially known. Rashed begins with the Houthis' cooperation with the Iran-backed Shi'ite militias in Iraq and their joint attacks on Israel, "coordinated in a joint operations room." He assesses that the U.S. "will not intervene directly in any war in this region, because Iran, Iraq and Lebanon are a terrifying force." He says the Houthis are dictating the boundaries of the battlefield, which stretches from the Red Sea through Bab Al-Mandeb, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea to the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean. Rashed threatens that "in exactly one year, Yemen will have missiles that can reach Europe or the Atlantic Ocean, so America's nuclear targets will be within the range of the Yemeni missiles."

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