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July 16, 2024       Share:    


Shi'ite Militias in Syria and Iraq Are Targeting Eilat with Long-Range Drones

(JNS) Yaakov Lappin - Iranian-backed Shi'ite terrorist militias in Syria and Iraq are consistently using long-range unmanned aerial vehicles to target Israel's Red Sea city of Eilat on a regular basis. These UAVs, launched from areas where Iran has entrenched itself, represent a persistent threat to Israeli security and will require more than defensive action to neutralize. On Saturday, two UAVs approached the area north of Eilat from Syrian territory and were intercepted before they could inflict any damage. In retaliation, the IDF launched strikes against a Syrian military command center and targets used by the Syrian military's Aerial Defense Unit. Yet only Israeli strikes on the Shi'ite terrorist entities themselves in Syria and Iraq will remove the threatening capabilities. The latest drone attacks from Syria and Iraq indicate a coordinated Iranian effort to create a multi-front threat against Israel, one that, without a direct offensive response, will only grow.

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