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July 16, 2024       Share:    


IDF Officer: "We've Learned that Those Who Say They Want to Destroy Us Will Really Do It in the End"

(Ha'aretz) Josh Breiner - Col. Nissim Hazan has been in Gaza since Oct. 7, beginning with two days fighting in Kibbutz Be'eri. He said in an interview: "After you've seen not dozens but hundreds of bodies that day and you take massive RPG fire, you realize that you are in one long and very, very intense battle, and there's no choice." "They always said 'we intend to destroy the State of Israel.' We underestimated them - we didn't think or believe they were that serious. But then you see how their intentions were connected with their actions on the ground." "We were a society that normalizes terrorism, that preferred temporary peace and was addicted to peace. We knew - but we had compartmentalized it - that there were bad people on the other side of the fence, and we preferred that they stay there. We didn't think they could reach us. We've learned that those who say they want to destroy us will really do it in the end."

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