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July 16, 2024       Share:    


Deceiving the American Public about Hamas's Popularity

(Gatestone Institute) Bassam Tawil - President Joe Biden told a news conference on Thursday, "There is a growing dissatisfaction in the West Bank, from the Palestinians, about Hamas. Hamas is not popular now." This bizarre statement goes against every public opinion survey released in the past few months. Biden's claim also contradicts analysis by U.S. intelligence agencies showing that Hamas's popularity has significantly grown after its attack on Israel on Oct. 7. It seems that Biden does not want the American people to be aware that most Palestinians in the West Bank are enthusiastic supporters of Hamas. Hiding this fact makes it easier for him to pressure Israel to accept a Palestinian state that is controlled by Hamas and other Iran proxies. The broad support Hamas enjoys among the Palestinians, including those who live in the West Bank, means that a Palestinian state would be ruled by the same terrorists who carried out the Oct. 7 atrocities against Israelis. The latest poll, released on July 10, 2024, showed that satisfaction among the Palestinians in the West Bank with the performance of Hamas has risen to 82%. Hamas Gaza leader Yahya Sinwar, one of the masterminds of the Oct. 7 massacres, enjoys the support of 76% of Palestinians in the West Bank. Every Palestinian child knows that Hamas would easily win if elections were held today for the Palestinian presidency and parliament. The reason is because Hamas seeks to destroy Israel through jihad (holy war). Hamas enjoys immense popularity among the Palestinians because it has been waging terrorist attacks against Israel and Jews since its founding more than 35 years ago.

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