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July 18, 2024       Share:    


British Army Buys Israeli Anti-Drone System

(Jewish Chronicle-UK) Jane Prinsley - Amid calls from some UK politicians to ban arms sales to Israel, the British armed forces have procured new Israeli Smart Shooter rifle add-ons which are said to improve precision on the battlefield. The system is designed to ensure that each round hits its target by providing a standard rifle with precision algorithms that can acquire, track and hit small drones. British Army officer Col. (ret.) Richard Kemp wrote on X: "I have fired with this sight in Israel and it is an outstanding system which will give our troops an edge including against attack drones." Kemp added: "Makes shooting a terrorist in close proximity to civilians safer, i.e., far less likely to accidentally hit civilians." He continued: "The UK does not supply weapons to Israel, only technical components, and UK security is the net beneficiary of this trade as well as our close intelligence relationship."

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