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July 18, 2024       Share:    


Unmasking Jihad's Quest for International Legitimacy: The Oslo Accords and Hamas's October 7 War on Israel

(Jerusalem Center for Foreign Affairs) Dr. Dan Diker - Hamas's barbaric October 7, 2023, attack proved that the Palestinian grievance against Israel is rooted in an ideological and religious-based holy war and is not merely a territorial conflict, making the international community's "two-state solution" mantra irrelevant. Contrary to popular belief, the Palestinian Authority and its parent organization, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), have employed identical ideological and religious themes to Hamas in their battle against Israel's existence and their delegitimization of Jewish self-determination and sovereignty for over half a century. The internationally guaranteed and facilitated Oslo peace process of the 1990s legitimized the PLO, for decades one of the world's leading terror organizations, internationalizing the Palestinian cause at the expense of Jewish state legitimacy on the world stage, which has served to legitimize Hamas's unspeakable atrocities. In order to affect a sustainably peaceful outcome in the region, the PA must condemn the October 7 massacre, abolish terror incitement and incentivization, recognize Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people, cease antisemitic agitation and education of Palestinian youth, halt political assaults on Israel in international fora, and actively combat terror. The writer is President of the Jerusalem Center.

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