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July 21, 2024       Share:    


Anti-Israel Lawfare Has Reached a Dangerous New Low

(Telegraph-UK) Natasha Hausdorff - The virulently anti-Israel advisory opinion handed down by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Friday, arguing that Israel's "policies and practices" have breached international law, does not have legally binding status. The value of that opinion is ultimately undermined by the weakness of its reasoning, the misapplication of international law and the false factual basis upon which it is predicated. The Court has called for the "evacuation" of Jews - read ethnic cleansing - from Judea and Samaria and Israel's capital Jerusalem. The majority of judges signed onto patent falsehoods, claiming that "no information has been provided to the Court to substantiate [Israel's] claims" concerning the legal status of the territory. Yet this information was provided by multiple states and international organizations. The opinion is driven by a clear political agenda from the Court's President Nawaf Salam, who twice ran to be Lebanon's prime minister and has a virulently anti-Israel track record. By pursuing this pseudo-legal campaign at the ICJ, the Palestinian Authority has engaged in a further flagrant violation of the Oslo Accords, the very international agreement which created it in 1994. The writer is a barrister and legal director at UK Lawyers for Israel Charitable Trust.

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