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July 23, 2024       Share:    


Knesset Hears Accounts of Hamas Rape, Infanticide from Casualty Identification Unit

(Israel Hayom) Miri Weissman - In Knesset testimony, Rabbi Moshe Dickstein, a reservist who served as a commander of the casualty identification unit in the IDF's Southern Command, provided details of the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists during the Oct. 7 attack on Israeli communities. "The first body we came across was in an overturned stroller. Inside the stroller was a baby, and his head was thrown aside with a knife in it. The woman we found, presumably the mother, was lying on the couch with blood flowing from her private area." "And so we went from house to house and found women lying on the floor with legs spread, it's indescribable. Another house and another house, then also in the field. They cut off men's genitals, and we found women with severed breasts. A pregnant woman with her belly opened up to reveal the umbilical cord and the baby with a knife in its body."

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