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July 23, 2024       Share:    


The ICJ Rejects International Law

(JNS) Dr. Fiamma Nirenstein - The International Court of Justice (ICJ) - the UN's top court - has ruled that Israel is the illegal occupier of the territory of a non-existent Palestinian entity. In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the word "occupation" means absolutely nothing. It is a stunningly racist term, denying the ancient Jewish presence in the Land of Israel. In 1967, the UN Security Council never demanded a complete Israeli withdrawal from the disputed territories. The Oslo Accords did not do so either. When Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in 2005, Oct. 7 became inevitable, even if few knew it at the time. All withdrawals by Israel only led to more violence and more death. The writer, a fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, served as vice president of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the Italian Chamber of Deputies.

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